1. The Prediction of Tonal and Broadband Slat Noise Open Access Author: Agarwal, Anurag Title: The Prediction of Tonal and Broadband Slat Noise Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: aeroacousticsairframe noiseslat noisehigh-lift deviceshydrodynamic instabilityjet noise File: Download thesis.pdf Committee Members: Philip John Morris, Committee Chair/Co-ChairLyle Norman Long, Committee MemberKenneth Steven Brentner, Committee MemberDennis K Mc Laughlin, Committee Member
2. ENHANCEMENTS AND INVESTIGATION OF CAPABILITIES TO THE LANDING GEAR MODEL AND ACOUSTIC PREDICTION SOFTWARE Open Access Author: Marotta, Taylor Ries Title: ENHANCEMENTS AND INVESTIGATION OF CAPABILITIES TO THE LANDING GEAR MODEL AND ACOUSTIC PREDICTION SOFTWARE Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Boeingairframe noiseLGMAPlanding gearacousticsaerospacetrailing edgeaeroacousticsaircraftairframe noisenoisenosie predictionpredictionGulfstream File: Download TRM_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Kenneth Steven Brentner, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorPhilip John Morris, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKenneth Steven Brentner, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor