1. CONTROLLING THE ADSORPTION OF PROTEINS ON POLY(P-XYLYLENE) POLYMERIC THIN FILMS Open Access Author: Anderson, Michael K Title: CONTROLLING THE ADSORPTION OF PROTEINS ON POLY(P-XYLYLENE) POLYMERIC THIN FILMS Graduate Program: Engineering Science Keywords: QCMProtein AdsorptionBSANanoporousParylene File: Download MSThesisAnderson.pdf Committee Members: Melik C Demirel, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMelik C Demirel, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. A Noncovalent Route for Preparing Hybrid Nanostructures Using Parylene Nanorods as Templates Open Access Author: Malvadkar, Niranjan Arvind Title: A Noncovalent Route for Preparing Hybrid Nanostructures Using Parylene Nanorods as Templates Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: TitaniaParyleneElectroless PlatingSurface FunctionalizationSERSNoncovalent File: Download Niranjan_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Melik C Demirel, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMelik C Demirel, Committee Chair/Co-ChairIvica Smid, Committee MemberMirna Urquidi Macdonald, Committee MemberDavid Lawrence Allara, Committee MemberWalter J Dressick, Committee Member
3. QUANTITATIVE SURFACE ENHANCED RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY COMBINED WITH MICROFLUIDICS FOR LAB-ON-A-CHIP TECHNOLOGIES Open Access Author: Koytek, Stephen Michael Title: QUANTITATIVE SURFACE ENHANCED RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY COMBINED WITH MICROFLUIDICS FOR LAB-ON-A-CHIP TECHNOLOGIES Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: RamanSERSNanostructuredNanotechnologyPPXParyleneRenal Functiondisease detection File: Download StephenKoytekMastersThesisSpring2010.pdf Committee Members: Melik C Demirel, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMelik C Demirel, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor