1. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF POP-UP WINDOWS IN ONLINE INFORMATION PROCESSING Open Access Author: Constantin, Corina Daniela Title: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF POP-UP WINDOWS IN ONLINE INFORMATION PROCESSING Graduate Program: Mass Communications Keywords: visual processingfacial EMGskin conductanceorienting responsespsychophysiologypop-up windowsaffective biases File: Download ConstantinCD_PhD_Thesis_07.pdf Committee Members: S. Shyam Sundar, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMary Beth Oliver, Committee MemberKaren Gasper, Committee MemberFuyuan Shen, Committee Member
2. Integration of top-down and bottom-up information: An investigation of scene and word list processing Open Access Author: Henken, Brandon Alexander Title: Integration of top-down and bottom-up information: An investigation of scene and word list processing Graduate Program: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: top-downbottom-upDeese-Roediger-McDermottDRMautism spectrum disorderschemascenecontextrecallrecognitionfalse memoryfalse recallfalse recognitionsemantic processingvisual processinginformation processing File: Download Henken_Thesis_Draft8_PDF.pdf Committee Members: Diane L. Williams, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorCarol A. Miller, Committee Member