1. Managing Population and Drought Risks Using Many-Objective Water Portfolio Planning Under Uncertainty Open Access Author: Kasprzyk, Joseph Robert Title: Managing Population and Drought Risks Using Many-Objective Water Portfolio Planning Under Uncertainty Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: multiobjective optimizationwater supplywater managementreservoirshuman impactsdroughtmonte carlo simulation File: Download JosephKasprzyk-Thesis.pdf Committee Members: John Patrick Reed, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorPatrick M Reed, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Low Frequency Electromagnetic Investigation of Fractures and Reservoirs using Proppants Open Access Author: Hassan, Muhammed Kabiru Title: Low Frequency Electromagnetic Investigation of Fractures and Reservoirs using Proppants Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: electromagneticsfinite element methodfracturesreservoirsshaledipole moment File: Download mkhphddissertationresubmit2.pdf Committee Members: Raj Mittra, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJames Kenneth Breakall, Committee Chair/Co-ChairLynn A Carpenter, Committee MemberMichael T Lanagan, Special Member