1. A Comparison of Modeling Approaches of a High Aspect Cylinder in Axial Flow Open Access Author: Labarbera, Nicholas Andrew Title: A Comparison of Modeling Approaches of a High Aspect Cylinder in Axial Flow Graduate Program: Engineering Mechanics Keywords: fluid-structurecomputational mechanicsaxial flow File: Download NicholasLabarbera.pdf Committee Members: Jonathan S Pitt, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Coupled biophysical simulations of cell-cell interaction and drug delivery microrobots Open Access Author: Gaskin, Byron Jerrod Title: Coupled biophysical simulations of cell-cell interaction and drug delivery microrobots Graduate Program: Bioengineering Keywords: computational mechanicspersonalized medicinecomputational fluid dynamicscomputational structural mechanicsbiochemistryfluid dynamicssolid mechanicscontinuum mechanicsblood flowblood cellsdrug deliverydrug targetingmicroroboticsflowing bodieshyperelasticityrigid body motion File: Download BJG_PhD_Final.pdf Committee Members: Robert Francis Kunz, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobert Francis Kunz, Committee Chair/Co-ChairCheng Dong, Committee MemberWilliam O Hancock, Committee MemberRobert Lee Campbell, Outside MemberSean Michael Mcintyre, Special Member