1. Analysis of induced seismicity and heat transfer in geothermal reservoirs by coupled simulation Open Access Author: Gan, Quan Title: Analysis of induced seismicity and heat transfer in geothermal reservoirs by coupled simulation Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: Geothermal reservoirthermal frontinduced seismicitypermeabiltiy evolutionbreakdown pressure File: Download Quan_Gan_Analysis_of_induced_seismicity_and_heat_transfer_by_coupled_simulation_in_geothermal_reservoirs.pdf Committee Members: Derek Elsworth, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJamal Rostami, Committee MemberShimin Liu, Committee MemberTong Qiu, Special Member
2. Gas Transport, Sorption and Fracture in Shale Open Access Author: Li, Xiang Title: Gas Transport, Sorption and Fracture in Shale Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: enhanced gas recoveryhydraulic fracturingbreakdown pressurefracture complexityadsorptionswellingstress redistribution File: Download Xiang_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Derek Elsworth, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDerek Elsworth, Committee Chair/Co-ChairChirs Marone, Committee MemberZuleima T Karpyn, Committee MemberLi Li, Committee Member