1. Effects of Alkalization and Roasting on Polyphenolic Content of Cocoa Beans and Cocoa Powder Open Access Author: Stanley, Todd Harvey Title: Effects of Alkalization and Roasting on Polyphenolic Content of Cocoa Beans and Cocoa Powder Graduate Program: Food Science Keywords: CocoapolyphenolsroastingalkalizationHPLC-ECD File: Download ths_MSthesis.pdf Committee Members: Joshua D Lambert, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRamaswamy C Anantheswaran, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Effects of alkalization on the chemistry of cocoa Open Access Author: Hamada, Terianne Yuko Title: Effects of alkalization on the chemistry of cocoa Graduate Program: Food Science Keywords: cocoaastringencypolyphenolsdietary fiberstarchchocolatealkalization File: Download Hamada_dissertation_final.pdf Committee Members: Helene Hopfer, Major Field MemberJoshua Lambert, Major Field MemberCharles Anderson, Outside Unit & Field MemberGreg Ziegler, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorRobert Roberts, Program Head/Chair