1. Approaching or Avoiding Deadlines: The Why and How of Deadline Motivation Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Marhefka, Jacqueline Tellier Title: Approaching or Avoiding Deadlines: The Why and How of Deadline Motivation Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: DeadlinesTemporal Individual DifferencesMotivation File: Login to Download Committee Members: Jean Phillips, Outside Unit & Field MemberSamuel Hunter, Major Field MemberKaren Gasper, Major Field MemberSusan Mohammed, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorKristin Buss (She/Her), Program Head/Chair
2. Trying Times: The Antecedents and Consequences of Temporal Conflict Between Supervisors and Supervisees Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Basore, Chelsea Title: Trying Times: The Antecedents and Consequences of Temporal Conflict Between Supervisors and Supervisees Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: Type A PersonalityTemporal ConflictTemporal Individual DifferencesLeadershipInterpersonal ConflictLMX File: Login to Download Committee Members: Susan Simkins, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorReg Adams, Committee MemberKristin Buss (she/her), Program Head/ChairHanyi Min, Committee Member