Trying Times: The Antecedents and Consequences of Temporal Conflict Between Supervisors and Supervisees
Restricted (Penn State Only)
Basore, Chelsea
Graduate Program:
Master of Science
Document Type:
Master Thesis
Date of Defense:
November 03, 2023
Committee Members:
Susan Simkins, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor Reg Adams, Committee Member Kristin Buss (she/her), Program Head/Chair Hanyi Min, Committee Member
Type A Personality Temporal Conflict Temporal Individual Differences Leadership Interpersonal Conflict LMX
While there are many kinds of disagreements that can arise between supervisors and supervisees, time-based disagreements between leaders and followers have yet to be examined. Because of the major importance of time in organizations, examining temporal conflict in the dyadic context is essential. In the current study, antecedents (supervisor temporal Type A Personality) and consequences (goal blockage) of temporal conflict between supervisors and supervisees are examined. This study also highlights a characteristic (LMX) of the leader-follower relationship that may alleviate the negative effects of temporal conflict.