1. Minimization of Circuitry in Large Format Lithium-ion Battery Management Systems Open Access Author: Miller, Jerin Patrick Title: Minimization of Circuitry in Large Format Lithium-ion Battery Management Systems Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: BMSBattery Management SystemLithiumLithium-ion File: Download Jerin_Miller_Thesis_Fall_12.pdf Committee Members: Jeffrey Scott Mayer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn Douglas Mitchell, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. The effect of oxygen fugacity on the equilibrium partitioning of lithium between olivine and clinopyroxene Open Access Author: Deane, James Anthony Title: The effect of oxygen fugacity on the equilibrium partitioning of lithium between olivine and clinopyroxene Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: LithiumPetrologyExperimental petrologyoxygen fugacityequilibrium partitioningmantle chemistryxenolith File: Download Deane_M.S._Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Maureen Feineman, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Development of a novel method for direct extraction of lithium from α-spodumene and low-temperature extraction of lithium, cesium and rubidium from lepidolite Restricted Author: Hevapathiranage, Chandima Title: Development of a novel method for direct extraction of lithium from α-spodumene and low-temperature extraction of lithium, cesium and rubidium from lepidolite Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: LithiumSpodumeneRubidiumCesiumRoastingWater leacchingThermodynamicsMechanismsKineticsDirect extraction File: No files available due to restrictions. Committee Members: Mohammad Rezaee, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSarma V Pisupati, Committee MemberShimin Liu, Program Head/ChairBarbara J Arnold, Committee Member
4. Feasibility Study of Multi-Critical Element Extraction from Pennsylvania Mercer Clay Restricted Author: Gill, Jesse Title: Feasibility Study of Multi-Critical Element Extraction from Pennsylvania Mercer Clay Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: Critical MineralsCritical ElementsLithiumRare Earth ElementsMercer ClayLow-grade resourceSecondary ResourceRecovery File: No files available due to restrictions. Committee Members: Sarma V Pisupati, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMohammad Rezaee, Committee MemberJeremy Gernand, Program Head/ChairBarbara J Arnold, Committee Member