Opted Out: A study of men and women who have left television news careers
Open Access
LeGore, Kimberly Garris
Graduate Program:
Mass Communications
Doctor of Philosophy
Document Type:
Date of Defense:
March 30, 2009
Committee Members:
Anne M Hoag, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor Anne M Hoag, Committee Chair/Co-Chair Marie Hardin, Committee Member Patrick Robert Parsons, Committee Member Robert Drago, Committee Member
gender studies work-life socialist feminism women in TV organizational theory TV news ideal worker
This research reports the results of a qualitative study of former experienced television news journalists. The analysis of in-depth interviews reveals that female participants were more likely to leave their careers. The socialist feminist perspective suggests women’s careers were inhibited by gender role expectations that conflicted with expectations of television news work. These conflicts were often found in the women’s personal situations and reified in the organization of work. Men were more likely to leave their careers when they became dissatisfied with the work. Based on these interviews, the study suggests the television news industry should consider new models for work that will retain the experienced worker, particularly women.