Private Kindergarten Scorecard
Open Access
- Author:
- Huang, Yu-Chuan
- Graduate Program:
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Degree:
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Document Type:
- Dissertation
- Date of Defense:
- February 22, 2007
- Committee Members:
- Thomas Daniel Yawkey, Committee Chair/Co-Chair
Jamie Myers, Committee Member
Edgar Paul Yoder, Committee Member
William Hartman, Committee Member - Keywords:
- performance management
self-evaluation - Abstract:
- ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to develop an effective self-evaluation system for use in Taiwan’s kindergartens that will enable administrators and teachers to enhance school performance and ensure continuous improvement. It also examines kindergarten insiders’ and outsiders’ perceptions toward self-evaluation and performance management. In order to achieve the research purpose and develop a self-evaluation system, this study applies the Balanced Scorecard concept as theoretical foundation, reviews relevant literature and consults with early childhood experts in Taiwan and the United States. A questionnaire, the Private Kindergarten Scorecard, is developed especially for this study. This study is quantitative in nature and applies survey as measurement. Subjects included 189 kindergarten outsiders and 122 kindergarten insiders. Descriptive statistics, panel review, exploratory factor analysis, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), MANOVA, and pair-t test are the methods used to analyze the data. Exploratory factor analyses suggest that the Balanced Scorecard theory provides a solid basis and four dimensions exist for designing a self-evaluation instrument. The AHP analysis indicates that kindergarten insiders believe these four dimensions are vital for managing a kindergarten. However, kindergarten outsiders focus on the stakeholders’ and innovation perspectives. The MANOVA analysis shows that the operation perspective is the only perceptual difference between kindergarten insiders and outsiders in the self-evaluation result. The additional finding of the MANOVA analysis is that kindergarten insiders and outsiders have great perceptual differences for the importance of measure of operation, daily support to children, and evaluation perspectives. The paired t-tests imply that kindergarten insiders and outsiders are dissatisfied with the actual performance of kindergartens. Recommendations and future research are also presented.