Landau Theory and Phase-field Simulations on the Phase Transitions and Domain Structures in Multiferroic Bismuth Ferrite and Hexagonal Manganites
Open Access
- Author:
- Xue, Fei
- Graduate Program:
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Degree:
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Document Type:
- Dissertation
- Date of Defense:
- October 02, 2015
- Committee Members:
- Long Qing Chen, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor
Qiang Du, Committee Member
Clive A Randall, Committee Member
Venkatraman Gopalan, Committee Member - Keywords:
- Landau Theory
Phase-field Simulation
Phase Transitions
Domain Structures
Bismuth Ferrite
Hexagonal Manganites - Abstract:
- Multiferroics are materials that simultaneously show multiple ferroic orders, such as ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and ferroelastic orders. Recently multiferroics attract enormous attentions due to the rich physics and potential applications such as information storage memories. As two important multiferroic materials, BiFeO3 and hexagonal manganites are the focus of the research in this dissertation. An antiferroelectric phase is defined as an antipolar crystal with antiparallel cation displacements of neighboring unit cells. The ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity in Sm-doped BiFeO3 system are described by a three-dimensional phenomenological model based on the Ginzburg-Landau-Devonshire theory. The temperature-, pressure-, and composition-induced ferroelectric to antiferroelectric phase transitions are discussed. The constructed temperature-composition and temperature-pressure phase diagrams show that compressive hydrostatic pressure and Sm doping have similar effects on the ferroelectric and antiferroelectric phase transitions. It is also indicated from the temperature-pressure phase diagram that the experimentally observed phase of BiFeO3 under the hydrostatic pressure from 3GPa to 10GPa is a PbZrO3-like antiferroelectric phase. Besides spontaneous polarization, BiFeO3 also shows a structural instability, i.e. oxygen octahedral tilt. Due to the rigidity of the oxygen octahedra and the corner-sharing feature of the oxygen octahedral network, the domain wall energy of the oxygen octahedral tilt has a strong anisotropy with respect to different wall orientations. Based on this, a rotational compatibility condition is proposed to identify the low-energy domain walls in perovskites with oxygen octahedral tilt instability. Applying the rotational compatibility condition to BiFeO3, the unusual ferroelectric domain wall width and energy are successfully explained based on the Ginzburg-Landau-Devonshire theory. Vortex domains in ferroic materials refer to the flux-closure domains in which polarization or magnetization vectors rotate around a point. It is shown that the polarization vortex domains are induced in the BiFeO3 films grown on an electrically insulating substrate. Based on the example, the crystallographic, electric, and strain conditions are proposed to produce spontaneous vortex domains in a ferroelectric film or superlattice. The vortex domains in BiFeO3 give rises to a net curl of the polarization vectors, which is shown to be reversible under external electric fields. The vortex domains in the rhombohedral system without the oxygen octahedral tilt are also studied, which show that the oxygen octahedral tilt has a strong effect on the vortex wall orientations. BiFeO3 shows a rhombohedral (R) crystal structure as bulk materials, and exhibits in R-like phases in the films under a small epitaxial strain. However, recently a tetragonal (T)-like phase is induced by a large compressive strain (larger than 4%). In the dissertation, a Landau-theory-based potential is proposed to describe both the R-like and T-like phases in the BiFeO3 films. The common tangent construction in the phase stability analysis indicates the R/T phase mixture. Based on phase-field simulations, the domain wall orientations of the R/T mixed phases are determined, which are in good agreement with experimental measurements. Different from the perovskite structures of BiFeO3, hexagonal manganites exhibit in a layered hexagonal structure. Hexagonal manganites are a type of improper ferroelectrics with polarization induced by a structural distortion, called trimerization. The trimerization and polarization result in six domains in hexagonal manganites, which can cycle around a point and form a topological defect. Taking YMnO3 as an example, the three-dimensional (3D) domain structure and vortex evolution are studied based on the phase-field method using a thermodynamic potential constructed from density functional theory (DFT) calculations, demonstrating the possibility of predicting 3D complex mesoscale structural evolution starting from DFT. The temporal evolution of domain and vortex structures allows us to fully explore the mesoscale mechanisms for the vortex-antivortex annihilation, and domain wall motion under external electric fields. It is demonstrated that the vortex motion and vortex-antivortex annilation control the coarsening dynamics of domain structure evolution. The domain structures with topological defects in YMnO3 also show intriguing collective behaviors, which are statistically analyzed based on the phase-field simulation results. It is found that the domain coarsening rate agrees well with the predication of the classical XY model in two dimensions, but shows an unexpected deviation in 3D. Our computational studies suggest that such a deviation arises from the anisotropy in the hexagonal system. In addition, the topological defects in YMnO3 form two types of domain networks: type-I without and type-II with electric self-poling. The frequencies of domains with N-sides, i.e. of N-gons, in a type-I network are fitted by a lognormal distribution, whereas those in type-II display a scale-free power-law distribution with exponent ~2. A preferential attachment process that N-gons with a larger N have higher probability of coalescence is responsible for the emergence of the scale-free networks. Since the domain networks can be observed, analyzed, and manipulated at room temperature, hexagonal manganites provide a unique opportunity to explore how the statistical distribution of a topological defect network evolves with an external electric field.