A Software Program With a Graphical User Interface for Nonlinear Structural Analysis Using a Beam Element With Plasticity and Degradations
Open Access
Gladson, Sherin
Graduate Program:
Civil Engineering
Master of Science
Document Type:
Master Thesis
Date of Defense:
June 28, 2023
Committee Members:
Kostas Papakonstantinou, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor Ali M Memari, Committee Member Patrick Fox, Program Head/Chair Gordon Patrick Warn, Committee Member
Hysteresis FEM HBeam2D Nonlinear Analysis Beam Element GUI
Various methods exist for the nonlinear analysis of structures, such as the lumped
plasticity model and the continuum model. This thesis presents a software program
developed using the programming language python that utilizes an alternative approach
based on the hysteretic finite element beam model. This method encompasses distributed
plasticity, geometric nonlinearity, degradations, and capacity interactions, offering a
comprehensive framework with wide-ranging capabilities. The developed tool makes use
of this model to perform quasi-static and dynamic analysis. The user interface makes it
easy to input the model parameters and view the analysis results for any number of the
output variables without having to rerun the analysis. This thesis explains the model used,
the effects of the parameters required for modeling and also presents a comprehensive
guide to using the program. Examples and comparisons have also been included to show
the accuracy of the model and its advantages over other existing tools. According to the
Federal Earthquake Management Agency, earthquakes cost the United States around
$15 billion annually. This program can be used in the design and condition assessment
of structures and also aid in decision-making and preparedness to such hazards.