Barry Ickes, Program Head/Chair Chloe Tergiman, Outside Unit & Field Member Yuhta Ishii, Major Field Member Rohit Lamba, Chair & Dissertation Advisor Miaomiao Dong, Major Field Member Vijay Krishna, Major Field Member
Bargaining Dynamic Games Outside Options Coase Conjecture Asymmetric Information
This dissertation consists of three essays in bargaining with outside options. In the first paper, I study the role of outside options in dynamic bargaining settings with interdependent values. I characterize limit equilibrium outcomes and provide conditions under which better outside options may erode bargaining power. In the second paper, I study bargaining outcomes in a dynamic bargaining game with unobservable outside options. An equilibrium with delay is constructed and limit properties are characterized. In the final chapter, I study a bargaining game in which the player with the outside option must make a costless investment in order to maintain the outside option. I characterize sufficient conditions under which under investment in outside options yields a higher payoff.