Ultrasonic Guided Waves For Human Health Monitoring: Simulation-Based Analysis Of The Fifth Metatarsal
Restricted (Penn State Only)
Duane, Tyler
Graduate Program:
Engineering Science and Mechanics
Master of Science
Document Type:
Master Thesis
Date of Defense:
March 18, 2022
Committee Members:
Albert Segall, Program Head/Chair Clifford Jesse Lissenden, III, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor Parisa Shokouhi, Committee Member Elzbieta Sikora, Committee Member
Ultrasound Ultrasonic Guided Waves Guided Waves Human Health Monitoring Fifth Metatarsal
Qualitative ultrasound (QUS) has become a promising human health monitoring method,
especially in analyzing long cortical bone, skull phantoms, and even the metatarsals. In QUS,
guided waves can be used as a method of long-range scanning by using the human bone as an
active waveguide. Typical fracture diagnosing methods, such as X-ray and Computed Tomography
(CT) scanning are often avoided in excess due to their invasive behavior, high costs, and chance
for possible human error. Before QUS is employed for fracture detection, the complex geometry
of the bone waveguide must be studied. This thesis will aim to specifically analyze the fifth
metatarsal and investigate ultrasonic wave phenomena as waves propagate axially down the
waveguide. The bone will be modeled as more simple geometry, and finite element analysis (FEA)
will be used to study common wave modes at particular frequencies. Finally, a 3D printed material
that mimics the cellulose fiber in bone material will be investigated to see if it can be used as a
potential surrogate for physical bone modeling.