Prescriptive Unitarity and Rigidity at Two Loops

Open Access
- Author:
- Kalyanapuram, Nikhil
- Graduate Program:
- Physics
- Degree:
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Document Type:
- Dissertation
- Date of Defense:
- April 17, 2023
- Committee Members:
- Nitin Samarth, Program Head/Chair
Radu Roiban, Major Field Member
Nigel Higson, Outside Unit & Field Member
Jacob Bourjaily, Chair & Dissertation Advisor
Anna Stasto, Major Field Member - Keywords:
- scattering amplitudes
quantum field theory
mathematical physics
elliptic functions - Abstract:
- We systematically elaborate upon and consolidate various recent developments focus- ing on the triality of questions offered by issues of basis building, unitarity and non- polylogarithmicity in quantum field theory, specifically for planar two loops. The interplay between the dual questions of setting up bases of integrands and accurately preparing a complete set of cuts to secure correct ansätze of loop integrands expanded thereby is enriched by the appearance of non-polylogarithmic structures, first seen in planar two loops in the form of elliptic polylogarithms. We strengthen this by presenting an extended discussion of a new method of building bases, classifying loop integrands by power counting, or their behaviour in the ultraviolet, and studying a convenient, albeit manifestly non-canonical set of cuts of full rank. By studying cut equations derived from poorly chosen contours in loop momentum space, the question of finding morally good sets of cuts to accommodate ellipticity at two loops is forced upon us. We discuss a generalization of the notion of a leading singularity in this case—something we call an elliptic leading singularity—a concept that only makes reference to the underlying geometry of the elliptic curve. We also expand upon the task of constructing master integrand bases that neatly distinguish between elliptic and ordinary polylogs. This stratification of the basis—where each master is either pure elliptic or polylog—is carried out by drawing on an expanded basis at two loops, the so-called triangle power counting basis. In the course of developing such a master integrand basis, we emphasize the importance of choosing, intelligently, spanning sets of cuts, and writing down integrand numerators dual to these cuts that are diagonal—or prescriptive—with regard to these choices, to highlight the conceptual and technical simplifications arising therefrom.