Surface Property Impacts on Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation of Engineered Materials

Restricted (Penn State Only)
- Author:
- Marak, Katherine
- Graduate Program:
- Chemistry
- Degree:
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Document Type:
- Dissertation
- Date of Defense:
- August 05, 2022
- Committee Members:
- Jerry Harrington, Outside Unit & Field Member
Christine Keating, Major Field Member
Miriam Freedman, Chair & Dissertation Advisor
Philip Bevilacqua, Program Head/Chair
Benjamin Lear, Major Field Member - Keywords:
- aerosol chemistry
silver nanoparticles
thiosilver particles
ice nucleation
heterogeneous freezing
air pollution
environmental chemistry - Abstract:
- Aerosol particles can facilitate heterogenous ice formation in the troposphere and stratosphere by acting as ice nuclei, modulating cloud formation/dissipation, precipitation, and their microphysical properties. Heterogeneous ice nucleation is driven by ice embryo formation on the particle surface, which can be influenced by features of the surface such as crystallinity, surface structure, lattice structure, defects, and functional groups. Probing for deeper understanding of what surface features have the greatest impact on heterogeneous freezing is significant and can be done with synthetic and modified materials. To characterize the effect of crystallinity, pores, and surface functional groups towards ice nucleation, samples of comparable silica systems, specifically, quartz, ordered and non-ordered porous amorphous silica samples with a range of pore sizes (2-11 nm), and non-porous functionalized silica spheres were used as models for mineral dust aerosol particles (Chapter 2). The results suggest that crystallinity has a larger effect than porosity on ice nucleation activity, as all of the porous silica samples investigated had lower onset freezing temperatures and lower ice nucleation activities than quartz. Our findings also suggest that pores alone are not sufficient to serve as effective active sites, and need some additional chemical or physical property, like crystallinity, to nucleate ice in immersion mode freezing. The addition of a low density of organic functional groups to non-porous samples showed little enhancement compared to the inherent nucleation activity of silica with native surface hydroxyl groups. The density of functional groups investigated in this work suggests that a different arrangement of surface groups may be needed for enhanced immersion mode ice nucleation activity. In summary, crystallinity dictates the ice nucleation activity of silica samples rather than porosity or low-density surface functional groups. Silver and gold nanoparticles with thiol ligands of different functionalities (alkane, carboxylic acid and alcohol) were investigated for immersion ice nucleation activities (Chapter 3). The alcohol ligand nanoparticles of both silver and gold had significantly higher activities than the alkane thiol ligand, with a 4.5 oC and 10.7 oC difference in median freezing temperature respectively. Silver nanoparticles capped with thiol alcohol ligands were also tested for aggregation and oxidative stability. The silver nanoparticles are oxidatively stable for at least 2 years. We have also shown that aggregates of nanoparticles have likely caused the activity for all of the silver and gold samples, as ice nucleation activity strongly diminished when large aggregates (>200 nm) were filtered from solution. Investigating the ice nucleation activity of synthetic ZSM-5 samples with varying Si:Al helps to clarify ice nucleation activity of natural mineral dust samples, which are often aluminosilicate based materials (Chapter 4). Additionally, ammonium is a very common cation in the atmosphere, and its effects on ice nucleation activity are still being studied. Ice nucleation temperature increases with increasing Al content. Additionally, when ammonium is the cation that is strongly adsorbed to the surface and in pores, initial freezing temperatures are reduced by up to 6 oC. Seeing a drastic decrease in ice nucleation activity in the presence of ammonium, suggests that the cation can interact with the surface to block active sites. In addition to ice nucleation, dust samples can affect human health. The goal of Chapter 5 is to present risk assessments for trace element concentrations in PM10 dusts from simulated road material and township roads with/without oil and gas produced water brine (O&GPWB) treatment. PM10 trace metal quantification was conducted by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and compared to values from EDS analysis on PM2.5. Among adults, PM10 inhalation lifetime cancer risks (CRinh range: 2.39E+01 to 7.73E+01) and hazard quotients for As, Ni and Pb exposure were elevated for O&GPWB, SFSR and RRA. Cumulative Pb dose for the O&GPWB-treated roads was 71 ng/kg by age 21, compared with 37 ng/kg for non-treated roads. Our results may be consistent with elevated blood lead (Pb) concentrations above state averages in this rural O&G producing region.