Enhancing Geometry Problem Solving for Secondary Students with Disabilities: Investigating the Virtual-Representational-Abstract Instructional Sequence and Metacognitive Strategy Instruction
Open Access
Deshpande, Divya
Graduate Program:
Special Education
Doctor of Philosophy
Document Type:
Date of Defense:
February 25, 2021
Committee Members:
Paul J Riccomini, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor Paul J Riccomini, Committee Chair/Co-Chair Elizabeth M. Hughes, Committee Member Tracy Jane Raulston, Committee Member Ericka S Weathers, Outside Member Pamela S Wolfe, Program Head/Chair
geometry mathematics secondary special needs specific learning disabilities
Often considered a more advanced topic in secondary mathematics, geometry encompasses a number of mathematical concepts and skills in which students are required to demonstrate proficiency to meet high school graduation requirements. For students with disabilities, for whom graduation rates have improved but remain lower than those for their general education peers, interventions targeting geometry concepts and skills hold promise in closing the achievement gap. In the present study, a single case multiple probe across participants design was used to test the impact of a geometry intervention consisting of a graduated instructional sequence targeting problem representation embedded within a problem solving strategy on the problem solving ability of four high school students with disabilities. Results show that participants' problem accuracy improved and their learning was maintained over time. Detailed findings and implications for practice and future research are discussed.