Humor Preferences and their Relationship with Mood, Uses and Gratifications, and Personality
Open Access
Stevens, Elise Marie
Graduate Program:
Media Studies
Master of Arts
Document Type:
Master Thesis
Date of Defense:
March 11, 2013
Committee Members:
Michael Grant Schmierbach, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
Humor Mood Management Uses and Gratifications Personality
This study examined the effects of mood, uses and gratifications, and personality on humor choices. Participants (N = 216) in six conditions answered questions pertaining to each variable and then read four television sitcom episode descriptions. Descriptions included a workplace, domestic, or fantasy genre with a cognitive, affective, or social/interpersonal mechanism of humor or the control drama. Results demonstrated that those in a depressed mood state preferred the control drama condition. Uses and gratifications and personality also predicted humor mechanism choices.