English and Chinese Language Assessment of DSM-5 Personality Disorders and Interpersonal Problems in Bilingual Speakers
Open Access
Wu, Ziqi
Graduate Program:
Master of Science
Document Type:
Master Thesis
Date of Defense:
February 21, 2018
Committee Members:
Aaron Lee Pincus, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor Frank Gerard Hillary, Committee Member Janet van Hell, Committee Member
Personality Disorder Personality assessment International Student Chinese English Bilingual Validity across language
A review of the literature on Chinese translations of Western self-report personality assessment measures indicates the need to empirically evaluate of the validity of assessing Western personality and clinical constructs in the Chinese language and culture. The current study presents a novel approach to examining this critical question in cross-cultural clinical assessment science and practice. 200 Mandarin Chinese and English bilingual participants (93 males and 97 females) were recruited to collect both English and Chinese self-report ratings on the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems - Short Circumplex (IIP-SC) and The Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire - 4+ (PDQ-4+) to examine the similarities and differences in associations between DSM-5 personality disorders and interpersonal problems across languages. The structural summary method (SSM) for circumplex data and a recently developed bootstrapping methodology were used for computing confidence intervals around SSM parameters to analyze and compare the interpersonal circumplex profiles for the same personality disorder constructs (e.g.., narcissistic) derived from English language and Chinese language data. The current study evaluated whether assessment of Western personality disorder constructs in Chinese language and culture result in similar interpersonal profiles, suggesting they can be cross-culturally identical and generalizable. English and Chinese verbal fluency served as control variables.