Transport properties of Dirac fermions in two dimensions

Open Access
- Author:
- Dasilva, Ashley Marie
- Graduate Program:
- Physics
- Degree:
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Document Type:
- Dissertation
- Date of Defense:
- April 06, 2012
- Committee Members:
- Jainendra Jain, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor
Gerald Dennis Mahan, Committee Member
Nitin Samarth, Committee Member
Jun Zhu, Committee Member
James Bernhard Anderson, Committee Member - Keywords:
- Dirac fermions
topological insulators
two dimensional systems - Abstract:
- The Dirac equation in particle physics is used to describe spin 1/2 fermions (such as electrons) moving at relativistic speeds. In condensed matter physics, this is usually not relevant, since particles in matter move slowly compared to the speed of light. However, recent progress has revealed two-dimensional realizations of Dirac fermions in condensed matter systems with zero mass and a redefined "speed of light." One of these systems, graphene, has been studied theoretically for decades as a building block of graphite. The other, the topological insulator, is quite new; this state of matter was predicted less than 10 years ago. Graphene was first isolated in 2004, and since then there has been an explosion of graphene research in the physics community. Much of the recent excitement has to do with the potential applications of graphene in devices. In this dissertation, I will discuss two problems related to graphene devices, and in particular how to use the strong interaction of graphene with its surroundings as an asset. I will show that a Boltzmann transport theory with all scattering mechanisms describes the current vs voltage of a graphene sheet extremely well using {\em no adjustable parameters}. One crucial element of this model is the transfer of energy from electrons {\em directly} to the substrate via scattering with optical phonons at the interface. The interaction is due to an electric field that is set up by these optical phonons, which is so strongly interacting in part due to the two dimensionality of the graphene. I will also discuss the adsorption of He atoms on a graphene sheet. This causes a change in the graphene conductivity which is large enough to be measurable. Work in this direction could provide a route to graphene sensors. The topological insulator is a recently predicted state of matter which is nominally an insulator but has metallic surface states which are topologically protected. This topological protection arises from the symmetry of the system, which requires a two-fold degeneracy at any time reversal symmetric momentum, and a band inversion, which provides a swapping of the conduction and valance band at a surface. These two conditions imply that an odd number of states will cross the gap even in the presence of disorder (as long as that disorder is time reversal symmetric). This manifests as a Dirac cone at the surface of insulators such as Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3. To be a true topological insulator, one must have a bulk insulator; experimentally however, most samples are bulk conductors. While rapid improvement is being made through techniques such as doping, one of the goals of the research presented in this thesis is to work towards a transport signal which is unique to the surface state even in the presence of a conducting bulk. In this direction, quantum corrections to the magnetoresistance have been shown to fail, as both bulk and surface have similar experimental signals. However work in this dissertation shows that we can still gain some insight by modeling the experimental data with the theory of quantum corrections. I will show evidence that electron-electron interactions are necessary to understand the low temperature conductivity of Bi2Se3 thin films. One unambiguous transport signal is the quantum Hall response; the energy of Dirac fermions in a strong magnetic field is quite different than their parabolic counterparts. Given this, a question that arises is the nature of the fractional quantum Hall effect in topological insulator surface states. I will predict the conditions under which the fractional quantum Hall effect is stable. Finally, one of the reasons topological insulators have gained so much enthusiasm is the potential application to topological quantum computation. This may be made possible if the theoretical predictions of particles called Majorana fermions could be realized experimentally. I discuss evidence that two necessary (although not sufficient) conditions are met: topological insulators can be made superconducting and there is evidence for the formation of vortices in such superconducting topological insulators.