J. Michael Hogan, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor J. Michael Hogan, Committee Chair/Co-Chair Michele Kennerly, Committee Member Stephen H. Browne, Committee Member Suzanna Linn, Outside Member
Rhetoric Rhetorical Criticism Public Address Ethos History Economics Federal Reserve Marriner Eccles Paul Volcker Alan Greenspan
In this dissertation, I examine key moments when the Federal Reserve chair responded to important economic and political episodes, tracing its increasingly important role in these debates over the twentieth century. I build the concept of the “rhetorical Fed,” including its three functions of negotiation, communication, and translation, to show how three Fed chairs, Marriner Eccles (1934-1948), Paul Volcker (1979-1987), and Alan Greenspan (1987-2006) navigated important transformative moments at the Federal Reserve. Given that all of these chairs raised the visibility of the Federal Reserve, I develop the idea of “institutional êthos” to explain the mutual relationship between the public perceptions of an organization and its leader. This dissertation provides a foundation for future scholarship intersecting the rhetoric of economics and public address and theorizing other rhetorical concepts from an institution’s perspective.