The Implementation of Media Literacy in the Social Studies Curriculum
Open Access
Youngbauer, Vincent W.
Graduate Program:
Curriculum and Instruction
Doctor of Philosophy
Document Type:
Date of Defense:
May 13, 2011
Committee Members:
Patrick Willard Shannon, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor Patrick Willard Shannon, Committee Chair/Co-Chair James F Nolan Jr., Committee Member Scott Alan Metzger, Committee Member Jeanne Lynn Hall, Committee Member
Media Literacy Social Studies Education Teacher Training History and Media Media Technology
In 2009, the National Council for the Social Studies released a position statement calling for the implementation of media literacy in social studies education. If today’s students are to become engaged citizens as adults, they must acquire the skills and knowledge associated with media literacy. Using this position statement as foundation, I developed a media literacy approach for use in the social studies classroom. The ensuing study followed pre-service student teachers through a social studies methods course in which they learned this approach, and followed them into their per-service field experiences. The collected data provides insight into how these student teachers took-up the NCSS call for media literacy in the social studies in their pre-service placements, and how they may further develop media literacy within their future classrooms.