Improving reactions to performance appraisal: The effects of appraisal system characteristics, leader-member exchange and trustworthiness.
Open Access
Scaduto, Anne
Graduate Program:
Doctor of Philosophy
Document Type:
Date of Defense:
March 30, 2011
Committee Members:
Kevin Murphy, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor Kevin Murphy, Committee Chair/Co-Chair Jan Cleveland, Committee Member Rick R Jacobs, Committee Member Kelly A Klinger, Committee Member
feedback performance appraisal
The current study uses a sample of graduate student and adviser pairs to examine factors that shape reactions to performance appraisal. The purpose of this study was to determine how rater accountability, frequency of observation, justice perceptions, and trust in the appraisal system impact the relationship between LMX and performance ratings, and between trustworthiness and performance ratings. Another purpose was to determine how LMX and trustworthiness influence student reactions such as motivation to improve performance, accuracy ratings of the performance appraisal, and satisfaction of performance ratings. Results of the study suggest a relationship between LMX, trustworthiness, performance appraisal system characteristics, and overall performance ratings. Additionally, LMX ratings appeared to become integrated with ratings of overall performance, which in turn influence students’ ultimate feedback reactions to performance appraisals. By focusing on improving performance appraisal system characteristics, organizations have the opportunity to influence their employees reactions to feedback and improve overall organizational effectiveness. Limitation, future research and practical implications are discussed.