Achievement Goals and Professional Commitment in the Education Major
Open Access
Grays, Makayla
Graduate Program:
Educational Psychology
Master of Science
Document Type:
Master Thesis
Date of Defense:
June 08, 2010
Committee Members:
Jonna Marie Kulikowich, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor Jonna Marie Kulikowich, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
achievement goals college students grades motivation professional commitment teacher education
This study investigated the status of mastery and performance goals among college students and how these goals are related to students’ commitment to their future profession. The achievement goal scale and professional commitment scale developed for this study were completed by 104 students, mostly Education majors (78%), attending a large research university. The sample exhibited higher levels of performance goals than mastery goals. The correlation between mastery and performance goals was not significant. A significant positive correlation (p < .01) was found between mastery goals and professional commitment. Differences between subgroups of Education majors were observed. The study identified specific academic behaviors associated with achievement goals and demonstrated the role of grades in influencing how students approach their academic work.