Open Access
- Author:
- Pal, Gopalendu
- Graduate Program:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Degree:
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Document Type:
- Dissertation
- Date of Defense:
- January 12, 2010
- Committee Members:
- Michael F Modest, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor
Michael F Modest, Committee Chair/Co-Chair
Daniel Connell Haworth, Committee Chair/Co-Chair
Stephen R Turns, Committee Member
Deborah A Levin, Committee Member - Keywords:
- k-distribution methods
radiation transport equation
turbulence-radiation interactions
nonpremixed jet flames
spectral model - Abstract:
- Radiation calculations are important in combustion due to the high temperatures encountered but has not been studied in sufficient detail in the case of turbulent flames. Radiation calculations for such problems require accurate, robust, and computationally efficient models for the solution of radiative transfer equation (RTE), and spectral properties of radiation. One more layer of complexity is added in predicting the overall heat transfer in turbulent combustion systems due to nonlinear interactions between turbulent fluctuations and radiation. The present work is aimed at the development of finite volume-based high-accuracy thermal radiation modeling, including spectral radiation properties in order to accurately capture turbulence{radiation interactions (TRI) and predict heat transfer in turbulent combustion systems correctly and efficiently. The turbulent fluctuations of temperature and chemical species concentrations have strong effects on spectral radiative intensities, and TRI create a closure problem when the governing partial differential equations are averaged. Recently, several approaches have been proposed to take TRI into account. Among these attempts the most promising approaches are the probability density function (PDF) methods, which can treat nonlinear coupling between turbulence and radiative emission exactly, i.e., "emission TRI". The basic idea of the PDF method is to treat physical variables as random variables and to solve the PDF transport equation stochastically. The actual reacting flow field is represented by a large number of discrete stochastic particles each carrying their own random variable values and evolving with time. The mean value of any function of those random variables, such as the chemical source term, can be evaluated exactly by taking the ensemble average of particles. The local emission term belongs to this class and thus, can be evaluated directly and exactly from particle ensembles. However, the local absorption term involves interactions between the local particle and energy emitted by all other particles and, hence, cannot be obtained from particle ensembles directly. To close the nonlinear coupling between turbulence and absorption, i.e., "absorption TRI", an optically thin fluctuation approximation can be applied to virtually all combustion problems and obtain acceptable accuracy. In the present study a composition-PDF method is applied, in which only the temperature and the species concentrations are treated as random variables. A closely coupled hybrid finite-volume/Monte Carlo scheme is adopted, in which the Monte Carlo method is used to solve the composition-PDF for chemical reactions and the finite volume method is used to solve for the flow field and radiation. Spherical harmonics method-based finite volume solvers (P-1 and P-3) are developed using the data structures of the high fidelity open-source code flow software OpenFOAM. Spectral radiative properties of the participating medium are modeled using full-spectrum k-distribution methods. Advancements of basic k-distribution methods are performed for nongray nonhomogeneous gas- and particulate-phase (soot, fuel droplets, ash, etc.) participating media using multi-scale and multi-group based approaches. These methods achieve close-to benchmark line-by-line (LBL) accuracy in strongly inhomogeneous media at a tiny fraction of LBL's computational cost. A portable spectral module is developed, which includes all the basic to advanced k-distribution methods along with the precompiled accurate and compact k-distribution databases. The P-1 /P-3 RTE solver coupled with the spectral module is used in conjunction with the combined Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and composition-PDF-based turbulence-chemistry solver to investigate TRI in multiphase turbulent combustion systems. The combustion solvers developed in this study is employed to simulate several turbulent jet flames, such as Sandia Flame D, and artificial nonsooting and sooting flames derived from Flame D. The effects of combustion chemistry, radiation and TRI on total heat transfer and pollutant (such as NOx) generation are studied for the above flames. The accuracy of the overall combustion solver is assessed by comparing it with the experimental data for Flame D. Comparison of the accuracy and the computational cost among various spectral models and RTE solvers is extensively done on the artificial flames derived from Flame D to demonstrate the necessity of accurate modeling of radiation in combustion problems.