Experienced Elementary Music Teachers' Perceptions of Effective Classroom Interactions
Open Access
- Author:
- Gibbs, Beth Ellen
- Graduate Program:
- Music Education
- Degree:
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Document Type:
- Dissertation
- Date of Defense:
- August 21, 2009
- Committee Members:
- Joanne Rutkowski, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor
Joanne Rutkowski, Committee Chair/Co-Chair
Linda Carol Porter Thornton, Committee Member
Taylor Aitken Greer, Committee Member
Hoi Kin Suen, Committee Member - Keywords:
- elementary music
teacher perceptions
effective teaching - Abstract:
- The purpose of this study was to examine how experienced elementary general music teachers perceived the effectiveness of their instructional interactions with students in the music classroom. The following questions were addressed in this study: What types of interactions do experienced teachers use most frequently and perceive as effective in the elementary music classroom? How do music teachers’ sentiments (feelings) and norms (rules and expectations) affect the way they perceive interactions with students? How do music teachers perceive the effectiveness of planned musical interactions as compared to spontaneous musical interactions? Who do experienced teachers perceive as being the most frequently responsible for instigating and prolonging interactions during music class? Do observed classroom interactions with students reflect experienced teachers’ perceptions of interactions? Descriptive data were collected in two phases. In Phase One, experienced elementary music teachers in Pennsylvania were surveyed about their perceptions of effective interactions in the elementary music classroom. In Phase Two, a sub-sample of three music teachers were each observed during an elementary music class. Following observations, the teachers were interviewed to reflect on their experiences teaching elementary music and to provide explanations about the teachers’ perceptions of their interactions with students that may not have been answered through their responses to the questionnaire. Results indicated a preference for verbal interactions with students both when initiating instruction and when following through with reinforcement. Additional findings revealed that teachers felt positively about music classes and indicated students frequently met their expectations for both musical achievement and behavior. Teachers’ expectations for music class had a strong influence on the way they planned for music learning interactions as well as the way they interacted with students in the moment. The teachers interviewed had high musical expectations for their classes, but felt this was communicated in a positive way. Although planned and spontaneous music learning interactions were both deemed effective, interviews revealed a strong preference for being consistent with their plans. Teachers perceived themselves as the most frequent initiators of both musical and non-musical interactions in class: a finding supported by observations and interviews of the three sub-sample participants. Finally, teachers’ perceptions of classroom events as reported on the questionnaire were not entirely accurate when compared to observed classroom events. Interviews, however, garnered more accuracy in teacher perceptions and provided clarification for teachers’ pedagogical choices.