Search Results
342. Sensemaking with Digital Models & Data: A Multi-Study Investigation of Learning Across the Geosciences

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343. Resilience, Resistance, Recovery, and Repair: Intergenerational dialogues in picturebooks from the Puerto Rican archipelago

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344. Head Start Teachers' Language Ideologies and Policy Implementation in New Immigrant Settlement Areas in Pennsylvania

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345. Children's Moments of Becoming in United States and Korean Classrooms: Spatial Production through Multiliteracy Practices

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346. Dynamic Assessment of Academic Writing Among L2 Learners of English

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349. Navigating Contention in a Discordant Society: How Teachers Manage Contentious Issues Discussion in Secondary Social Studies Classrooms

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350. "It happens all day, every day": Exploring how student teachers describe and teach integrative elementary social studies

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351. Exploratory Descriptive Study of Intergenerational Play Involving Young Children

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354. Utilizing Equity-Oriented Pedagogy To Support Teacher Learning

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355. Re-Scripting Understandings and Beliefs: Young Children’s Collaborative Re(Imaginings) of Girlhood, Puberty, and Menstruation

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358. Kindergarten Innovators: Exploring Design Decisions in a Classroom Engineering Project

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359. Place-Consciousness and Critical Whiteness Pedagogy: Teacher Perceptions of Antiracist Possibilities in Rural Schools

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