1. SOCIAL NETWORKS AND FARMERS’ WILLINGNESS TO ADOPT NEW AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES: THE CASE OF A NEW PHOSPHORUS-EFFICIENT BEAN VARIETY IN RURAL MOZAMBIQUE Open Access Author: Quinhentos, Maria Title: SOCIAL NETWORKS AND FARMERS’ WILLINGNESS TO ADOPT NEW AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES: THE CASE OF A NEW PHOSPHORUS-EFFICIENT BEAN VARIETY IN RURAL MOZAMBIQUE Graduate Program: Rural Sociology Keywords: social capitalwillingnessphosphorus efficientbeanMozambique File: Download MScThesis_Maria_Quinhentos.pdf Committee Members: Leland Glenna, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJill Findeis, Committee MemberCarolyn Sachs, Committee Member
2. Flipping the Page: Analyzing Student Preferences Toward Differing Reading Modalities Open Access Author: Cascioli, Diane M Title: Flipping the Page: Analyzing Student Preferences Toward Differing Reading Modalities Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: audiobooke-bookpaperreadingengagementwillingnessaccesscomprehensionstudentpreferenceinterestonlinebookread File: Download Diane_Cascioli_Final_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Jamie Myers, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnne Whitney, Committee Member
3. Subsidized Relocation and the Willingness to Move: Evidence from the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Project in China Open Access Author: Zhou, Shuai Title: Subsidized Relocation and the Willingness to Move: Evidence from the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Project in China Graduate Program: Rural Sociology Keywords: subsidized relocationwillingnessrelocation stability File: Download ThesisV20_SZ.pdf Committee Members: Guangqing Chi, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorBrian Clemens Thiede, Committee MemberZhen Lei, Committee Member