1. Systems theoretic approach to textured image and video processing Open Access Author: Ding, Tao Title: Systems theoretic approach to textured image and video processing Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: video processingimage processingtexturecontrol theorySystems theorycomputer vision File: Download phdthesis_TD_2007.pdf Committee Members: Mario Sznaier, Committee Chair/Co-ChairConstantino Manuel Lagoa, Committee Chair/Co-ChairOctavia I Camps, Committee MemberQian Wang, Committee MemberWilliam Kenneth Jenkins, Committee Member
2. ON-DEMAND VIDEO PROCESSING IN WIRELESS NETWORKS AN APPLICATION: ACTION RECOGNITION Open Access Author: Felemban, Noor Title: ON-DEMAND VIDEO PROCESSING IN WIRELESS NETWORKS AN APPLICATION: ACTION RECOGNITION Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: wireless networkaction recognitionvideo processingoffloading File: Download Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Tom La Porta, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor