1. Vapor Growth of Small Ice Crystals at Low Temperatures in an Electrodynamic Levitation Diffusion Chamber Open Access Author: Harrison, Alexander William Title: Vapor Growth of Small Ice Crystals at Low Temperatures in an Electrodynamic Levitation Diffusion Chamber Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: iceice growthvapor growthvapor depositionkinetically limitedlaboratory ice growthdiffusion chamberKLAHice model File: Download Alexander_Harrison_M.S._Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Jerry Y Harrington, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Using laboratory measurements of vapor-grown ice crystals to infer surface kinetics and estimate deposition coefficients Open Access Author: Pokrifka, Gwenore Flora Title: Using laboratory measurements of vapor-grown ice crystals to infer surface kinetics and estimate deposition coefficients Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: deposition coefficientsurface transitionsice crystalssurface kineticsvapor growthlaboratory File: Download Pokrifka_MS_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Jerry Y Harrington, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor