1. Detrital uraninite and the early Earth's atmosphere: SIMS analyses of uraninite in the Elliot Lake district and the dissolution kinetics of natural uraninite Open Access Author: Ono, Shuhei Title: Detrital uraninite and the early Earth's atmosphere: SIMS analyses of uraninite in the Elliot Lake district and the dissolution kinetics of natural uraninite Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: Proterozoicatmosphereoxygendissolution kineticsquartz-pebble conglomerateSIMSArcheandetritaluraninite File: Download S.Ono_PhD_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Hiroshi Ohmoto, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKwadwo Asare Osseo Asare, Committee MemberPeter J Heaney, Committee MemberLee Kump, Committee Member