1. A Composite-Based Retro-Prediction Method for Jet Contrail Outbreaks Over the United States Open Access Author: Silva, Armand Daniel Title: A Composite-Based Retro-Prediction Method for Jet Contrail Outbreaks Over the United States Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: contrailsregionalizationretro-predictionupper troposphereaviationclimate diagnosticssynoptic climatology File: Download Silva_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Andrew Mark Carleton, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAndrew Mark Carleton, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Studies of OH and HO2 in the Region of the Arctic Winter Tropopause Open Access Author: Simpas, James Title: Studies of OH and HO2 in the Region of the Arctic Winter Tropopause Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: HOxupper tropospherelower stratospherehalogensarctic ozonecirrustropopauseatmospheric chemistrymeteorology File: Download Simpas_Dissertation_Aug2012.pdf Committee Members: William Henry Brune, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorWilliam Henry Brune, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJose Dolores Fuentes, Committee MemberJohannes Verlinde, Committee MemberAlbert Welford Castleman Jr., Committee Member