1. Haunted Democracies and the Politics of Possibility: A Deconstructive Analysis of Truth Commissions Open Access Author: Johnson, Leigh M. Title: Haunted Democracies and the Politics of Possibility: A Deconstructive Analysis of Truth Commissions Graduate Program: Philosophy Keywords: Roguesmetaphysics of presencedemocracy to comehospitalityEmmanuel LevinasSoren KierkegaardChileUgandaArgentinadeconstructionspecterspostcolonialtruth commissionsapartheidSouth AfricaSouth African Truth and Reconciliation CommissionJacques Derridademocracyreconciliationforgivenesstransitional justiceautoimmunityDesmond TutuaporiaPolitics of FriendshipThe Gift of Death File: Download JohnsonDissertation.pdf Committee Members: Dr Shannon Sullivan, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJohn Philip Christman, Committee MemberVincent M Colapietro, Committee MemberDr Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Committee MemberDr John Caputo, Committee Member