1. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND ATTITUDE TOWARD INDEPENDENT LEARNING IN A HIGH TRANSACTIONAL DISTANCE ENVIRONMENT Open Access Author: Mulhollen, Christine Marie Title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND ATTITUDE TOWARD INDEPENDENT LEARNING IN A HIGH TRANSACTIONAL DISTANCE ENVIRONMENT Graduate Program: Adult Education Keywords: independent learningadult educationdistance educationtransactional distancemultiple intelligencesattitude File: Download Revisions_FINAL_DISSERTATION_6_25_06.pdf Committee Members: Michael Grahame Moore, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGary Kuhne, Committee MemberMelody M Thompson, Committee MemberMindy L Kornhaber, Committee Member
2. Transactional Distance and Dialogue: An Exploratory Study to Refine the Theoretical Construct of Dialogue in Online Learning Open Access Author: Shearer, Rick L Title: Transactional Distance and Dialogue: An Exploratory Study to Refine the Theoretical Construct of Dialogue in Online Learning Graduate Program: Adult Education Keywords: dialoguedistance educationtransactional distancecontent analysisspeech acts File: Download R_L_Shearer_Final_Dissertation_for_eTD.pdf Committee Members: Dr Michael Moore, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Grahame Moore, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGary Kuhne, Committee Chair/Co-ChairSusan G Strauss, Committee MemberPriya Sharma, Committee MemberMelody M Thompson, Committee Member