1. Impact of Adaptive Cruise Control on the Formation of Self-organized Traffic Jams on Highways Open Access Author: Jerath, Kshitij Title: Impact of Adaptive Cruise Control on the Formation of Self-organized Traffic Jams on Highways Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: traffic jamstrafficself-organizedself organizationadaptive cruise controlcongestionmulti-agent systems File: Download Thesis_20100412_v6.3.pdf Committee Members: Sean N Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSean N Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Urban Traffic Network Operations: Roundabouts vs. Signalized Intersections Open Access Author: Taglieri, David Title: Urban Traffic Network Operations: Roundabouts vs. Signalized Intersections Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: traffictraffic controlroundaboutroundaboutsmacroscopic fundamental diagramnetwork exit functiontransportationengineeringMFDNEF File: Download Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Patrick Fox, Program Head/ChairVikash V. Gayah, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorEric T. Donnell, Committee MemberS. Ilgin Guler, Committee Member