1. INTERACTION AND THE STRUCTURES OF COAL Open Access Author: Opaprakasit, Pakorn Title: INTERACTION AND THE STRUCTURES OF COAL Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: extractioncoal networkionic structurestructural transitionthermal propertiescoal interactioncoal structureinfrared spectroscopy File: Download Pakorn.pdf Committee Members: Paul C Painter, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAlan W Scaroni, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMichael M Coleman, Committee MemberJames Patrick Runt, Committee Member
2. Effects of pretreatment conditions on downstream bioconversion of poplar wood into biofuels Open Access Author: Pandey, Jyotsna Lavanya Title: Effects of pretreatment conditions on downstream bioconversion of poplar wood into biofuels Graduate Program: Agricultural and Biological Engineering Keywords: biofuelspretreatmenthydrothermalpoplarseverity factorParr reactorAccelerated Solvent Extractionthermal properties File: Download JyotsnaPandey_MSThesis.pdf Committee Members: Thomas Lehman Richard, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAli Demirci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJanna Kay Maranas, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor