1. EXPLORING REGIONAL VARIATION IN SPATIAL LANGUAGE: A CASE STUDY ON SPATIAL ORIENTATION BY USING VOLUNTEERED SPATIAL LANGUAGE DATA Open Access Author: Xu, Sen Title: EXPLORING REGIONAL VARIATION IN SPATIAL LANGUAGE: A CASE STUDY ON SPATIAL ORIENTATION BY USING VOLUNTEERED SPATIAL LANGUAGE DATA Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: text classificationgeo-referenced web samplingvolunteered geographic informationinformation extractionmachine learningspatial language analysisregional linguistic differencescardinal directional usagevisual analytics File: Download Thesis_Xu_July12th_Final_Final.pdf Committee Members: Alexander Klippel, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAlexander Klippel, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAlan Maceachren, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Machine Learning for Text Mining: Classification, Retrieval and Recommendation Open Access Author: Song, Yang Title: Machine Learning for Text Mining: Classification, Retrieval and Recommendation Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: classificationmachine learningtext classificationinformation retrievalclusteringrecommendation File: Download yangsong_dissertation.pdf Committee Members: C Lee Giles, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorC Lee Giles, Committee Chair/Co-ChairWang Chien Lee, Committee MemberJia Li, Committee MemberJesse Louis Barlow, Committee MemberBing Li, Committee Member
3. Subject Category Classification of Scholarly Papers Using Deep Attentive Neural Networks Open Access Author: Kandimalla, Bharath Title: Subject Category Classification of Scholarly Papers Using Deep Attentive Neural Networks Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: text classificationscholarly big datatext miningattention modeldeep neural networksword embeddingweb of science File: Download bharath_mscs_final_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Clyde Lee Giles, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDaniel Kifer, Committee MemberChitaranjan Das, Program Head/Chair