1. INTELLIGENT GROUP INTERFACES: ENVISIONED DESIGNS FOR EXPLORING TEAM COGNITION IN EMERGENCY CRISIS MANAGEMENT Open Access Author: Connors, Erik Shaw Title: INTELLIGENT GROUP INTERFACES: ENVISIONED DESIGNS FOR EXPLORING TEAM COGNITION IN EMERGENCY CRISIS MANAGEMENT Graduate Program: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: intelligent interfacescognitive systems engineeringteam mental modelsteam cognition File: Download Connors_Final_Document.pdf Committee Members: Michael David Mcneese, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDavid J Hall, Committee MemberGuoray Cai, Committee MemberLing Rothrock, Committee Member
2. The Effects of Storytelling and Reflexivity on Team Mental Models and Performance in Distributed Decision-Making Teams Open Access Author: Tesler, Rachel Title: The Effects of Storytelling and Reflexivity on Team Mental Models and Performance in Distributed Decision-Making Teams Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: virtual teamsreflexivitystorytellingteam performanceteam mental modelsdistributed teams File: Download Tesler_final_thesis_4-23-11.pdf Committee Members: Susan Mohammed, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSusan Mohammed, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. SUPPORTING TRANSACTIVE MEMORY SYSTEMS IN DISTRIBUTED GEOCOLLABORATION Open Access Author: Mancuso, Vincent Francis Title: SUPPORTING TRANSACTIVE MEMORY SYSTEMS IN DISTRIBUTED GEOCOLLABORATION Graduate Program: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: Decision MakingGeoTMSDistributed Teamsgeocollaborationtransactive memoryGISNeoCITIESawarenesscommon groundteam mental modelsthink-aloudHCI File: Download vfm_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Dr Mike Mc Neese, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Mc Neese, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor