1. INTELLIGENT GROUP INTERFACES: ENVISIONED DESIGNS FOR EXPLORING TEAM COGNITION IN EMERGENCY CRISIS MANAGEMENT Open Access Author: Connors, Erik Shaw Title: INTELLIGENT GROUP INTERFACES: ENVISIONED DESIGNS FOR EXPLORING TEAM COGNITION IN EMERGENCY CRISIS MANAGEMENT Graduate Program: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: intelligent interfacescognitive systems engineeringteam mental modelsteam cognition File: Download Connors_Final_Document.pdf Committee Members: Michael David Mcneese, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDavid J Hall, Committee MemberGuoray Cai, Committee MemberLing Rothrock, Committee Member
2. The Effect of Team Training Strategies on Team Mental Model Formation and Team Performance Under Routine and Non-Routine Environmental Conditions Open Access Author: Hamilton, Katherine Title: The Effect of Team Training Strategies on Team Mental Model Formation and Team Performance Under Routine and Non-Routine Environmental Conditions Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: trainingteam mental modelteam cognitionshared cognitionsimulated task environment File: Download Hamilton_Dissertation_Defense_Final_Draft_8_03_09_v2.pdf Committee Members: Susan Mohammed, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorSusan Mohammed, Committee Chair/Co-ChairBarbara Louise Gray, Committee MemberJames Lewis Farr, Committee MemberRick R Jacobs, Committee MemberMichael Mc Neese, Committee Member
3. An Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Transactive Memory in Distributed Cyber Teams Open Access Author: Mancuso, Vincent Francis Title: An Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Transactive Memory in Distributed Cyber Teams Graduate Program: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: team cognitiontransactive memoryscaled-world simulationcyber securityinterdisciplinarydistributed teams File: Download vfm_final_dis.pdf Committee Members: Dr Michael Mc Neese, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorSusan Mohammed, Committee MemberDavid J Hall, Committee MemberJohn Yen, Committee Member
4. We Are Not in Sync, But We Think We Are: Actual versus Perceived Temporal Team Mental Models Open Access Author: Marhefka, Jacqueline Tellier Title: We Are Not in Sync, But We Think We Are: Actual versus Perceived Temporal Team Mental Models Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: team cognitiontemporal team mental modelsperceived team mental models File: Download MarhefkaThesisforSubmission.1.16.17.pdf Committee Members: Susan Mohammed, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSamuel Todd Hunter, Committee MemberKaren Gasper, Committee Member