1. BIOCONJUGATION OF CALCIUM PHOSPHATE NANOPARTICLES FOR SELECTIVE TARGETING OF HUMAN BREAST AND PANCREATIC CANCERS IN VIVO Open Access Author: Sharma, Rahul Title: BIOCONJUGATION OF CALCIUM PHOSPHATE NANOPARTICLES FOR SELECTIVE TARGETING OF HUMAN BREAST AND PANCREATIC CANCERS IN VIVO Graduate Program: Molecular Medicine Keywords: bioconjugationtransferrin receptorCD71gastrin receptortargetingbreast cancerpancreatic cancercalcium phosphatenanoparticlesindocyanine greennear-infraredwhole animal imaging File: Download SharmaR_Final_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: James Hansell Adair, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJames Hansell Adair, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Targeting and function of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors Open Access Author: Wu, Xia Title: Targeting and function of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors Graduate Program: Biology Keywords: extrasynaptic GABAA receptortargetingtonic inhibitiongephyrinalpha subunitdelta subunithomeostatic regulation File: Download XiaWu-Dissertation-11-08.pdf Committee Members: Gong Chen, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorBernhard Luscher, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRichard W Ordway, Committee MemberTimothy J Jegla, Committee MemberBruce Gluckman, Special Member