1. Modeling the Behavior of the Dielectric Properties in Low Formation Voltage Electrolytic Tantalum Capacitors Open Access Author: Kramer, Angela J Title: Modeling the Behavior of the Dielectric Properties in Low Formation Voltage Electrolytic Tantalum Capacitors Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: electric fieldPoole-Frenkel effectspecific chargedielectrictantalum pentoxidetantalumelectrolytic capacitorsSchottky emission File: Download Kramer-Thesis-12.pdf Committee Members: Sarah Elizabeth Dickey, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorElizabeth C Dickey, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Sintering of refractory metal based materials by field assisted sintering technology (FAST) Open Access Author: Chanthapan, Sinthu Title: Sintering of refractory metal based materials by field assisted sintering technology (FAST) Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: tungstentantalumfieldassistedsinteringTiCWCgrain growthinhibitionrefractorymetalsnanosubmicronstrengthening File: Download Dissertation_Sinthu.Chanthapan_Final_10-11-12.pdf Committee Members: Jogender Singh, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnil Kamalakant Kulkarni, Committee MemberGary Lynn Messing, Committee MemberDouglas Edward Wolfe, Committee MemberTodd Palmer, Committee Member