1. Museum Docents' Understanding of Interpretation Open Access Author: Neill, Amanda Crystal Title: Museum Docents' Understanding of Interpretation Graduate Program: Adult Education Keywords: hermeneuticsinterpretationdocentsmuseumsymbolic interactionism File: Download Neill.pdf Committee Members: Dr Ed Taylor, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorEdward W Taylor, Committee Chair/Co-ChairElizabeth Jean Tisdell, Committee MemberRobin Veder, Committee MemberGeorge W Boudreau, Committee Member
2. CRIMINAL JUSTICE CONTACT, POLITICAL ALIENATION & POLITICAL PARTICIPATION: THE EFFECTS OF PUNITIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE CONTACT ON VOTING Open Access Author: Kaufman, Ezekiel John Title: CRIMINAL JUSTICE CONTACT, POLITICAL ALIENATION & POLITICAL PARTICIPATION: THE EFFECTS OF PUNITIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE CONTACT ON VOTING Graduate Program: Criminology Keywords: political alienationpolitical powerlessnesspolitical meaninglessnesspolitical cynicismsymbolic interactionismsocietal reaction theoryEdwin LemertMelvin SeemanAda FinifterVotingPunitive Criminal Justice Contact File: Download 2017_Kaufman_Ezekiel_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Jeffrey Todd Ulmer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDarrell J Steffensmeier, Committee MemberWayne Osgood, Committee Member
3. Testing an Interactionist Theory of Treatment Engagement in a Prison-Based Therapeutic Community Open Access Author: Davidson, Kimberly Marie Title: Testing an Interactionist Theory of Treatment Engagement in a Prison-Based Therapeutic Community Graduate Program: Criminology Keywords: substance usetherapeutic communitysymbolic interactionism File: Download Davidson_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Derek Kreager, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJeremy Staff, Committee MemberJeffery Ulmer, Committee Member