1. Ice Adhesion Strength Modeling Based on Surface Morphology Variations Open Access Author: Knuth, Taylor Dayton Title: Ice Adhesion Strength Modeling Based on Surface Morphology Variations Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: adhesion strengthsurface morphologypredictivetopographysurface geometryNewtonian mechanicstwo-dimensional loading File: Download Knuth_Taylor_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Jose Palacios, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDouglas Edward Wolfe, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorGeorge A Lesieutre, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Investigation of Charge Transport and Mechanical Properties in Ion Associating Polymeric Materials Open Access Author: Bostwick, Joshua Everett Title: Investigation of Charge Transport and Mechanical Properties in Ion Associating Polymeric Materials Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: polymer electrolyteionic liquidsionic conductivitydielectric relaxation spectroscopyrheologystress-strain behaviorsurface morphology File: Download Joshua_Bostwick_Ph.D._Thesis_vfinal.pdf Committee Members: Robert Hickey, Major Field MemberRalph Colby, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorMichael Hickner, Major Field MemberJohn Mauro, Program Head/ChairBryan Vogt, Outside Unit & Field Member