1. Effects of hurricane Wilma on the surface energy partitioning of mangroves in the Florida Everglades Open Access Author: Sarmiento, Daniel Perez Title: Effects of hurricane Wilma on the surface energy partitioning of mangroves in the Florida Everglades Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: hurricane disturbanceEvapotranspirationmangrovetropical forestsurface energy File: Download Sarmiento_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Jose Dolores Fuentes, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJose Dolores Fuentes, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Mechanisms of Aqueous Crystallization and Phase Transformation in Titanium Oxide Minerals Open Access Author: Hummer, Daniel Robert Title: Mechanisms of Aqueous Crystallization and Phase Transformation in Titanium Oxide Minerals Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: anataserutiletitanium oxidetitanium dioxidecrystallizationprecipitationtime-resolved X-ray diffractiontime-resolved small angle X-ray scatteringnanoparticlesphase stability reversalsurface energynucleationcrystal growthhydrolysisglobal optimizationkinetic fittingkinetic modeling File: Download Hummer_dissertation_final.pdf Committee Members: Peter J Heaney, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorPeter J Heaney, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJames David Kubicki, Committee MemberLee Kump, Committee MemberKwadwo Osseo Asare, Committee Member
3. ROLE OF COLLOIDAL CHEMISTRY IN SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING OF ALPHA-ALUMINA Open Access Author: Kumar, Rajneesh Title: ROLE OF COLLOIDAL CHEMISTRY IN SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING OF ALPHA-ALUMINA Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: AlphaAluminaAluminium oxideglycothermalmorphologyseedingmillingattritionchemically aidedCAMCACheMOPACnanoaluminananparticlesurface energy File: Download RajneeshKumar-DoctoralThesis-MATSE-Summer2005.pdf Committee Members: James Hansell Adair, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGary Lynn Messing, Committee MemberKwadwo Osseo Asare, Committee MemberSerguei Lvov, Committee Member