1. Well-Being in Las Salinas, Nicaragua Open Access Author: Usher, Lindsay Erin Title: Well-Being in Las Salinas, Nicaragua Graduate Program: Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Keywords: surf tourismNicaraguawell-being File: Download LindsayErinUsher_well-being_nicaragua1.pdf Committee Members: Garry Chick, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorGarry Chick, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. “we share our territory": Re-defining surf localism and human territoriality on the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua Open Access Author: Usher, Lindsay Erin Title: “we share our territory": Re-defining surf localism and human territoriality on the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua Graduate Program: Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Keywords: surf tourismterritorialityNicaragualocalism File: Download Lindsay_Erin_Usher_dissertation_final.pdf Committee Members: Deborah Lee Kerstetter, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDeborah Lee Kerstetter, Committee Chair/Co-ChairBrian King, Committee MemberGarry Chick, Committee MemberChristine Buzinde, Committee MemberJess Ponting, Special Member