1. Multifunctional Porous Silicon Nanopillar Arrays: Superhydrophobicity, Antireflection, and Sensitive SERS Performance Open Access Author: Kiraly, Brian Thomas Title: Multifunctional Porous Silicon Nanopillar Arrays: Superhydrophobicity, Antireflection, and Sensitive SERS Performance Graduate Program: Engineering Science Keywords: porousnanopillarSERSsuperhydrophobicantireflection File: Download BrianKiraly_MSThesis.pdf Committee Members: Jun Huang, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Phase Field Modeling and Verification of a Wetting Model for Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Surfaces Open Access Author: Calogero, Lauren Michelle Title: Phase Field Modeling and Verification of a Wetting Model for Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Surfaces Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: phase fieldwettingroughnesshydrophobichydrophilicsuperhydrophobicWenzelmicrostructureMOOSEcontact angle File: Download Lauren_Calogero_thesis_4-1.pdf Committee Members: Michael Tonks, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor