1. Design, Fabrication and Testing of Contact-aided Compliant Cellular Mechanisms with Curved Walls Open Access Author: Cirone, Samantha Ann Title: Design, Fabrication and Testing of Contact-aided Compliant Cellular Mechanisms with Curved Walls Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: stress reliefcontact-aided compliant mechanismcellular structuremicro fabricationceramic File: Download Samantha_Cirone_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Mary I Frecker, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMary I Frecker, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Design, Analysis, and Applications of Cellular Contact-Aided Compliant Mechanisms Open Access Author: Mehta, Vipul Vijay Title: Design, Analysis, and Applications of Cellular Contact-Aided Compliant Mechanisms Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Contact-aided compliant mechanismstopology optimizationmeso-scaled structuresmorphing aircraft skinstress relief File: Download Vipul_Mehta_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Mary I Frecker, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMary I Frecker, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGeorge A Lesieutre, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJames Hansell Adair, Committee MemberChristopher Rahn, Committee MemberTimothy William Simpson, Committee Member