1. Influence of a mechanical string thinner on the physiology of apple Open Access Author: Kon, Thomas Matthew Title: Influence of a mechanical string thinner on the physiology of apple Graduate Program: Horticulture Keywords: applemechanical thinningcropload managementspur leavesleaf area removalwound induced ethyleneAVGnet photosynthesis File: Download Thomas_M_Kon_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: James Rawlinson Schupp, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. EVALUATION OF CHEMICAL AND THERMAL BLOSSOM THINNING STRATEGIES FOR APPLE Open Access Author: Kon, Thomas Matthew Title: EVALUATION OF CHEMICAL AND THERMAL BLOSSOM THINNING STRATEGIES FOR APPLE Graduate Program: Horticulture Keywords: crop load managementpollen tubesMalus domesticaspur leavesphytotoxicity File: Download KON_Dissertation_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: James Rawlinson Schupp, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJames Rawlinson Schupp, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRobert Michael Crassweller, Committee MemberRichard P Marini, Committee MemberPaul Heinz Heinemann, Outside Member